Sunday, October 23, 2005

Developing Psychic Ability

This isn’t something we are all exposed to in school. It just is not on the curriculum. What we do have, though, are scary movies and scary books. So, it is with trepidation that most folks approach a psychic.

I have one absolute caution though. People who are already under a psychiatrist’s care should not do this. Period. No if’s, and’s or but’s about it. NO.

So, you sit there thinking you would like to develop your psychic powers. First thing off the bat is to determine why it is that you want to do this. Be clear about it. The old adage of be careful what you wish for because it might come true comes into play with this one. What happens is a person would approach the whole idea of being psychic with not all the information at hand. Maybe they’d like to be one up on everybody else; just a bit of an edge to make life a little easier. Or maybe they are insecure and have a need of a bit more personal power. Well, if that’s how you go into this thing it’s not how you’ll end up.

Basically, I’m not worried why you want to be psychic. I’m only telling you that whatever reason you’ve got in hand will change by the time this is over.

I’m also not afraid that somebody is going to use their “powers” for evil. If somebody is going to do that they’d do it no matter their situation in life. Also, they will get caught.

What I’d like to do is to save you some time and anguish about it. To that end, here are some tips:

  • Every teacher you run into will have something to offer you. Respect that.

  • Be open to the idea of having a lot of teachers.

  • Be willing to pay for either lessons or books. It doesn’t always come free.

  • There are guidelines, but there aren’t any rules.

  • In working on your development as a psychic you will also be forced to deal with whatever inner psychological healing you haven’t already dealt with.

  • You probably won’t make any money at it.

  • You probably won’t ever get famous.

  • You should not quit your day job.

  • You will find a greater enjoyment of life.

  • You will find that you can help more people.

  • You will find a much closer connection to God/Higher Self/Cosmic Consciousness.

  • Hang around with other psychic folk; it’s contagious. You can find them easily in psychic chat rooms.

  • Eventually, you won’t be such an ass, though you might still be odd.

  • It’s not simple, so stop looking for an easy way to do it.

  • Keep trying. What works for one person might not work for you, but if there is one way to do it there are fifty other ways that also work.

  • You will probably, eventually embrace a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. Many things we do, smoking, drinking or eating to excess, etc do nasty things to our psychic energy. It might be a struggle or it might be easy, but I think eventually you’ll be able to look back at the former you and determine you’ve cleaned it up.
Well, then, how to develop your psychic ability? The first thing to do is to decide to do it. Then, you take the first giant leap and trust that your teachers will come to you. That means you need to learn to be open enough to recognize the fact that a teacher has come to you. For instance, a book falls at your feet in a bookstore or library. That’s code. Read the book. The next thing to be aware of is that your guides are there to help you. That’s their job. They are guides and teachers. And, even though you might not be aware of them in a conscious manner they are hard at work. Be willing to work with them. That means the synchronicities that start happening, the movies you see, the books you read, the stuff you find on the internet while you’re surfing around, the people you meet you begin to pay attention to. For me it was Stephen King and 222. Then it was my dreams. Then I learned to, or tried to learn to meditate. I’m still, 20 years later, banging away at it. I’m better than I was before. It doesn’t take me 45 minutes anymore to get into a meditative state, but I haven’t stopped learning.

And, my teachers haven’t stopped showing up either. So, no matter how proficient or effective you become, as a psychic there’s always more to learn.

Be aware that the things you sense psychically are colored by who and how you are. The more off balance you are the more off balance the things you are seeing will be. And, there’s a phenomenon of seeing yourself in others that happens too. You’re trying to psychically intuit something about somebody and what you get is a mirror of your own stuff. It’s all part of the learning process, but something to be aware of.

Basically, don’t sweat it. Everybody is born with psychic ability. Everybody. You can learn to sharpen it. It will fit easily into your life after you get used to it. Enjoy.

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