Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Well, I’ve got exactly five minutes before I need to go to work.  Yikes.  And, I want to write here again?  What psychic thing happened to me lately?  Spirit suggested a title for the book: Everyday Channeling.  Except Dennis shot it down and said, “Don’t put channeling in the title.”  So, I’m casting about for a title.  Spirited Spooks.  Snappy and Witty Spook Sayings.  No..get away from spooks.  They’re esteemed guides and teachers.  I could go to Hell for a title like that.  Okay….think….I’ve got to go get an ISBN on my own.  Cafépress won’t do it for you.  Lulu will, but you don’t get the store too.  And, I want the store.  Except, I won’t ever be able to sell my own jewelry if I eventually want to….Why did I wait until I have to go to work to start talking about this stuff?  Okay…I’ll pick this up again tonight when I get home.  Maybe something will occur to me.  If I just go with the flow.  Allow intention to become the driving force like Wayne Dyer said…just calm down and chill out.  Maybe it will be okay.  No need to freak out here.  I’m in control.  I have no idea what kerning is.  I’m going to have to learn about typography to do this on my own.  Yikes.  Calm down and go to work.  Right.  

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