Sunday, September 30, 2007
Gene Autry
The rules in any of these sorts of deals is that you visit the site and then talk about it a little on your blog. I went there and thought to myself, “Well, I don’t have a Mac now, but I used to and there are probably lots and lots of people who do have Macs.” Then, I wondered why do you even need a poker place just for Macs? I suppose it’s important. I’ve never really given it much thought. So, anyway, I’m poking around their site and I see the section on learning the basics of playing poker. “That’s for me!” Truly. MacPokerOnLine is going to be a great resource even if I don't have a Mac anymore.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Repaired my hair. I cut it the night before. Myself. Yes, right. I know other people can do a good job when they do their own hair. But, I didn’t. It sucked, actually. It was grim. I determined to try out a hair stylist who works in my neighborhood. I knew there was one just a block away and that’s what I did.
Lan shaped it up, evened it up and now it’s bouncy. Sassy. Cute. The gray doesn’t even show as much as it did before. And, all that dead looking orange business left over from when I did my own coloring, that’s almost gone. In fact, it looks almost deliberate; like my hair is sun-streaked. I figure it will be another 6 months and I’ll be back to my own color. We exchanged business cards. She asked what I did. I said I was a psychic and a mean secretary. I swear I’m enjoying saying that to people. They really listen to you after you say something like that. Anyway, I channeled for her. It wasn’t too bad. There wasn’t anybody else in the place except us so I didn’t feel too awkward about zoning out the way I do when I’m going to channel.
I mailed off a package to my sister and her family. Everybody got a beaded piece of jewelry or bookmarker. You can see them at my other blog, Where I Bead.
On my way back from the post office I spied a Curves sign not too far from where I live. I was back in there a few hours later to sign up. $127 later got me my initial membership fee of $78 and the first month’s charges of $49. I’m signed up on a month by month basis instead of a year contract. If I’d elected to go the year route it would be $39 each month, but, for now I want to do month by month. The lady said I could switch to a year contract anytime I want to later on.
What I like about it? Most of the ladies coming in are about my age or older. Some younger, but most of us edging toward elderly. There are no men at all in the place. There’s no changing of clothes. I don’t even need to purchase special shoes; they said I could wear my garden clogs that I wear everywhere. Half an hour and you’re done. That’s it. Two circuits around the machines and I guess there are probably 12 of them. You work 30 seconds on a machine, hop off when the lady in the recording tells you to, jump onto a square workout bouncy board, jump around for 30 seconds and when the recording tells you to change station go to the next machine. That’s it. Three times a week is what they recommend, but they said I could come in more often than that if I wanted to.
What I remember is when I was a kid and we had physical education I was pretty fit. That was a 45 minute class once a day. There was 15 minutes farting around front and back of the class getting into and out of gym clothes, but then we had 30 minutes to do PE. Generally, it was 15 or 20 minutes of calisthenics and then the rest with some sort of organized ball throwing thing that I always failed at miserably because I can neither throw nor catch a ball. That is a result of my outward focusing eyes.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Where I Read Books
I have the day off today from work, a special treat, and last night geared up for the longer weekend by tearing off to the library after work. I have to say every time I go there that branch is packed to the gills with people. The attraction, I think, is a gathering place for young people. They tend to make more noise than I think is warranted for a library, but the trade-off is that the library is getting business and maybe some of the love of books and reading will rub off on them. It’s certainly better than hanging out on the corner.
But, last night the picking of books came to me easily. I walked out with 5 of them. The one I started first, it being a “Hot Pick” which means I only get it for 1 week’s time is, “The River Knows
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
There is nothing to read. You just begin pulling your cursor all over the screen and it drops a line of ink. When you click the mouse the ink changes color. When you pause it blobs. As you streak across the screen little flips of ink splatter about...just like a Jackson Pollock painting. What therapy. What a kick.
Here is the painting I did. This is really neat!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Spiritual Cinema Circle
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Saturday Stuff
I’ve been working since early this morning on computer things, so I’m due for a change of pace. So far? I’ve updated DeeDude’s site with a copy of a really nice article about his new book. I knocked out two PayPerPost opportunities to the tune of about $20. Got dressed and had breakfast. It might not sound like much, but the PayPerPost stuff also requires that an entry of non-advertorial stuff go in-between them, so there was regular writing too.
While I was eating breakfast I made a list of all the stuff I’d like to do today. There are 18 things on that list. You think I’m not going to be busy? I’ll post later on to update anybody who’s interested in whether I got to everything or not.
Writing Every Single Morning
Friday, September 21, 2007
My List for the Weekend
So, on Fridays my thought turn towards stuff that I’d like to accomplish during the next two days that I have off from work.
My lists have sort of changed over the eyars in that at one time durining in our local beer garden was a must do. As we don’t drink anymore that particular pleasure just doesn’t make it to the list anymore. Also, I generally think of things to do that aren’t going to cost a whole lot. Seeing as how DeeDude is under pressure to finish up his Mountain View Cemetery book this week he’s not going to be able to do anything with me. So, I will amuse myself.
Chores. That will head the list with the usual suspects of laundry and ironing. I really ought to do a little bit of cleaning and maybe I’ll spend all of 20 minutes doing something along those lines. Over the years my eyesight has gotten dim and I just don’t see dirt like I used to. So, I don’t clean as much. Less wear and tear on stuff.
But, what I really want to do is to spend time here on my blogs. I would like to finish up the jewelry beaded projects for my sister and her family and get them ready to ship. I’d like to work on all my blogs, just something. Generally, I spend most of my time here, but the others deserve a bit of attention too. I’ve got a piece of cross stitch started. It’s an Autumn Angel. I’ve worked on it 3 days now (in the evenings) and I think there is about 2 square inches of fabric that’s been covered. This is going to be really slow. Thank goodness it is a small angel.
So, I’ve got a nice line-up of things for the weekend to do. And, as my mother told me once if I do something that’s not on the list add it to the bottom and then cross it off. It makes you feel better about what you’re accomplishing.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The Visual Thing
Why is this important? Well, I was sort of wondering about what the folks who come to visit my sites might be looking for or at. That’s when I began to pay more attention to how I surf the internet. Pictures are important. If I’m going to page down through a blog quickly the first thing that is going to catch my eye and then my attention is a picture. Simple. So, I resolve to do more.
This picture is my cat Shelby peering into my water glass. Her foot is a blur as she intends to get to the bottom of it.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Sleeping In
I’ve been thinking about the National Novel Writing Month contest coming up in November and wondering if I shouldn’t start now with gearing my hours up so that I’ve got an extra hour or more in the mornings to use for my writing. That’s what I mostly ended up doing the last time I participated.
It all sort of caught me by surprise the first time I did it. I knew the goal was to write 50,000 words between November 1 and November 30. What I didn’t anticipate was the toll it took on me. While I still have a job to go to and I still need to be able to perform at a good level I also wanted to be able to write. Like they say, don’t quit your day job. So, squeezing in time to write was important if I was going to even make a dent in 50,000 words that month.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Broken Eggs
Anyway, I didn’t have half and half or cream, so I used a little bit of 2% milk. I broke another 2 eggs open, so we had a total of 9 eggs. I used half a kielbasa, a bit of onion and some leftover fried potatoes from breakfast as the filling. Then, as it cooked together in the skillet I shaved parmesan cheese over top.
When it got mostly done with cooked scrambled eggy bits with uncooked eggs together I stopped stirring and let it go a bit longer on a low flame. Before it was completely done I put it under the broiler for a couple of minutes.
After I removed it from the broiler I let it sit awhile in the skillet and the edges shrunk away from the side of the pan enough so that it flopped easily out onto my hand and then upside down onto a plate. I put another plate on the bottom as it faced up and turned it right side up. That was the part I was sweating thinking the whole thing was going to stick in the pan or break apart as I tried to remove it. But, everything worked out well. It looks pretty enough to warrant a picture. I hope it tastes as good.
Friday, September 14, 2007
National Novel Writing Month is Approaching
I checked out the site and they’re set to start accepting signups on October 1st. If you have a hankering to write that book you’ve promised yourself for years that you were going to write one of these days, this is what you’re going to need. I even bought the book, “No Plot? No Problem!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
What I Did Today
Recently I went to Walgreens and got an ink cartridge refilled rather than purchasing a new one. I saved about $15. And, today I did it again, except this time it was free. There was a special coupon in Sunday’s paper if you showed up today you could get one cartridge refilled for free. They said it will be ready at 10:00 pm tonight. I asked if I could come back tomorrow and they said that was okay. That’s got to be one of the best savings I’ve seen lately.
However, now that I think of it I was at Mervyns last weekend and they were having some pretty incredible sales going on. I got a robe for DeeDude that was half off. Same with a couple of bras I got for myself. And, when I got to the cash register the sales clerk said, “Oh, if you were to buy $5 more you could have $15 off”….I asked if she’d mind me going back to pick up another bra. She said that was fine. So, I hurried off to snag another one.
I also picked up 6 packages of Chicken Top Ramen for $1 today at Walgreens. If you throw in a handful of frozen peas you’ve got 6 meals for $1. So, lots of savings today. That always warms my heart.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I suppose it started out with me being curious. I’ve never really listened too closely to people who tell me I can’t do something. If I wanted to do something somehow, someway, some day I would find a way to do it.
Take being a writer. That was a big goal for me. Nobody actually said to me that I couldn’t do it. I did, however, get a lot of, “What? You a writer? Don’t make me laugh.” Which might as well be as good as somebody telling me no. The trouble was, though, that I couldn’t write. This went on for years. I just couldn’t do it. I read like a house on fire. And, I wanted to write so much that I could taste it. Except, the minute I ever set pen to paper everything froze. So, I went around telling people that someday I was going to write a book. I did try a couple of times, but I’d get 10 pages into it and I’d get lost. I just didn’t know how.
But, I kept reading. And, finally, one day when I was in my late 20’s I asked myself if I was going to continue boring people to death with my whining that someday I was going to write a book.
That did it. I got mad at myself.
I’d tried all different kinds of ways to start writing: wall charts, extensive outlines, index cards. It was all very elaborate preparation to write, but it nothing ever got written.
So, I tried something new. I started out with a really big piece of paper. I drew a big circle on it. Within that circle, using a bright marker, I wrote the kernel of my story. Radiating out from the circle were lines. All with different colored markers. And, on each of those lines I wrote some one thing about the story. Those, presumably, became chapters. This exercise got me to thinking.
But, what finally got the whole thing off the ground was that shortly after the big circle exercise I wrote my story in the space of one paragraph. It was about 2 or 3 inches long typewritten. That’s all. Then, I took each of the sentences in that paragraph and began breaking them down until I finally had 10 sentences telling my story.
Those 10 sentences became my chapters and over the next 3 years I wrote. I didn’t deviate much from the original plan. There were times when I found that I’d written myself into a corner and couldn’t seem to get out again. That was the day I laid down on my bed with a tape recorder and talked into it for 10 minutes. I ended up with enough material to keep me going for the next 6 months.
I can remember a few times when I sort of zoned out as I was writing when my characters seemed to come to life and directed the story on their own. I liken those experiences to a writer’s high. Really terrific. As I think about it now I’m wondering if I wasn’t also tapping into Spirit Space. I wasn’t channeling in those days. That was to come some 10 years later. But, thinking back I just wonder if there wasn’t stuff going on then too.
Years later I read a boat load of Stephen King’s books in a really short period of time. That was when the psychicness really took off. And, it was a few years after that when I found myself channeling.
Monday, September 10, 2007
New Site for DeeDude
I used my stuff at TalkingToSpirit as a template and went from there. It’s a mix of html and css. I’m not sure if it’s a pristinely ordered website, but it works. And, it’s sort of classy looking. I like it and, more importantly, DeeDude likes it. This way if he wants to change something I can do it for him easily enough. By the way, if some of the pages look real sparce it's because this is a work in progress. His assignment is to get me some copy to beef it up. We also handled some of it last night with him dictating to me what he wanted to say and me typing it in. That seemed to work well too.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
So, what now? Well, I’ll let it sit for now. Maybe later on the offer will come around again. It’s the story about the stockbroker. True too. My husband the stockbroker. Also, my husband the editor. And, now, my husband the writer. DeeDude has done a lot of stuff. If you want to purchase his latest book, “Oakland’s Laurel District” contact him at
I Want to Call My Stockbroker
That Looks Like Crap
That said, I will continue.
I occasionally have problems with my digestion. Actually, it’s most of the time now that I’m moving into those advanced years. What goes in comes out and you can actually identify stuff. Peas? Right. You had tomatoes with that? Right.
You get the idea.
Anyway, the other day I stood there peering into the toilet thinking that I can now identify every single blamed thing that I eat. One of the guides said, “Why don’t you eat things that look like shit?”
Living a Heavenly Life
Obviously, having more money is going to be the no-brainer on this one. But, there are other benefits to living in the top 2% of wage earners. One of these is your degree of happiness and what makes you happy. A diamond ring has no more power to make a person happy than a sweet little puppy dog curled up taking a nap next to you on the couch. I don’t know anybody who can’t do with a little self improvement. And, can you afford to spend 5 minutes at no cost to gain a little insight into how you might improve your lot in life? I think you might find it well worth it.
Monday, September 03, 2007
When I get a piece of information coming in via psychic avenues I don’t always get the big psychic TaDa to differentiate that information from something I might logically know and something I’ve divined psychically. It used to drive me nuts.
My main contention here is that everybody is psychic. Everybody. And, I feel that many people receive psychic hits regularly and just take them for granted and don’t feel that they are anything other than normal life. It’s when things like itchy palms and that knowingness, that greater knowingness comes into play that it can either be frightening, or unnerving or, at least, stand out like a sore thumb. I’ve always wondered why this won’t work with lottery numbers.
In retrospect, I can feel I had a psychic knowingness about my husband when I first met him. I remember DeeDude and I hadn’t known each other all that long. I went home for a vacation visit and I said to my mother, “I’ve met the man I’m going to marry.” DeeDude didn’t know about it yet. We were in the early stages of dating. But, I knew in my heart that he was the one. We’ve been married 31 years.
When a person is learning how to play the piano they sit there for hours on end hammering out songs or playing scales. It’s boring as hell. It takes a lot of time. It is a very deliberate action on their part to learn how to play the piano. Later, once your fingers, your head and your heart have it learned you can then begin the process of enjoying yourself as you play the piano.
I think the same thing holds for being psychic.
I think it works better, or at least more smoothly, if you can put yourself into that area where you think and believe you will receive psychic info. And, again, this is going to be different for everybody.
Maybe you take a deep breath envisioning the bad gunky stuff in your body coalescing and riding on the coat tails of the breath you expel as a cleansing of sorts. Maybe as you inhale the breath you pretend that what you are inhaling are waves of energy that pulse over, through and around our planet radiating out into space, coming from some distant source and all that lovely energy courses through your body as you inhale that breath moving and touching upon the bad gunky spots in your own body to heal, to energize, to get you moving. It’s a thought.
Or, you might take an imaginary stroll in your mind to a peaceful grotto. Once you are there have a look around. Bring the consciousness that you have to this grotto and just look around. Use your inside eyes to do this. Tell me, what does it look like? This could be your secret place to go when you want to think about things. This could be the place you come for a quick energizing pick-me-up. This could be the place where you ask a question. I don’t care what the question is. Just something you’re wondering about. Hey, your feet hurt. And, they’ve been hurting. Why now? What did you do to make them hurt now when they could have hurt just as badly 2 weeks ago? Ask.
And the answer comes back as: Stress. Tension. Tension and stress translated into how you are moving and how you are moving hurt your foot. Oh. Okay, how to fix that? Another question. Fine. How to fix this?
Go after the tension. The source of the tension. Be quiet and feel this. Allow pictures to come up too. Allow visions of what the original tension was to rise up into your consciousness. Wait for it. Baby stuff. Tense baby. Crying baby. Stiff baby. Mad baby. Hurt baby. Arching back baby. Hurt baby. What to do now? What would help? Think of mommy holding you. Think of your mother holding your head, molding you to her chest and shoulder. Holding you. You calm down. You are comforted.
Well, gee. That was interesting.