I don’t care if you say you don’t know how to do this. Just pretend. The way I figure it we are all in this together. We are all a part of this world and of other spiritual places, of other planes, the past and the future and the now. It doesn’t matter even if you don’t celebrate Christmas. This isn’t a club.
Pretend and once you are sitting and see this pretend place within your own heart be at peace. It can come. There are those, “on the other side” who wait for you to open your eyes and be welcomed. These Folk in Spirit, as I refer to them, are your own spiritual guides, your own angels, your own loved ones who have passed over, even your own beloved pets gone to doggy or kitty heaven. Guinea pigs. I forgot. Yes, chickens too. Elephants and whales. In any case, you get the picture. Whatever is appropriate for you to see, to experience will be there for you. Trust your higher self.
However you choose to celebrate or don’t celebrate, I hope you might feel the peace of this day.