Not having HGH to ship anymore, I find myself with lots of time on my hands. I also find something interesting happening and something disturbing. The interesting thing is that I've got more time to devote to creative things and those creative urges are settling in on blogging. What is it? Who does it? How do they do it? And, can I do it too? So, here I am.
I'm not quite ready to put a link to Talking To Spirit yet, but I think I'm close. I was also reminded this morning that I've got a newsletter to get underway for September. Should anyone be reading this and interested in previous issues they are available here. It's not that they are difficult to do; it's just that I need to make the time to do them and also be sufficiently relaxed and ready to rock and roll. Distracted just don't cut it. So, this weekend ought to be good to make a beginning. I need 3 articles and a book review. And, if you want to get technical I've also got a small white space to fill in the lower right corner, but the only thing I've ever put there is our address. I tried some Google Ads, but somehow they didn't work right.
I've been thinking about the differences between blogging and websites. With websites and my website in particular, it is, to me, like a book. But, a dynamic book. I've touched upon some subjects in it, but not gone as deeply into them as one might with a book. But, still, it sort of satisfies an urge in my own self to twiddle with it. Nothing worse, to my way of thinking, than looking at a finished, published book and going, "Oh, I wish I'd said more about..." Granted, you can always put out another edition, but, that's easier said than done. First you need the energy to do it and second, you need an agreeable publisher. However, I seem to have lost the momentum and find myself with the fresh thoughts coming here.
Granted, I haven't allowed myself an outlet of this sort in some years, though I'd make sporadic stabs at journaling on my computer and in various books scattered about the house, but nothing as intense, as concentrated and as therapeutic as the journaling I did that year and a half when I wasn't working, before I began to channel and when I vowed I would write a million words. Maybe I could look at this blogging thing as some inner work I need to do to pave the way to more intense work at Talking To Spirit. Or, and I'm getting one of those inner views of my guide laying his finger aside of his nose as an affirmative, I could think of it as the creative greasing of wheels necessary for me to actually write a book about channeling.
I've noticed a few blogs on the interet that stop. Like 2 years ago was the last entry. What happened? Did they die? Did they just lose interest and abandon the site? The site looks interesting; why the disinterest from the author? So, for me, committment is an important part of it. I'm a Virgo. I'm loyal.
I also would like to produce an interesting blog. Something that has evolved with Talking To Spirit is an honesty of what it's like to be psychic. I could merely continue that theme here. Being psychic, seeking to be psychic isn't a 24 hour a day job. You've got ordinary life that comes in too, just like anybody else. It's just that you can exercise those psychic muscles and the things you think about don't have to be, well, not that they don't have to be, they aren't private. It's sort of like when you were a kid and your folks were teaching you about God and about guardian angels about how you are always in their sights. Yeah, it really is like that. Not a thing you do goes unnoticed. It might go uncommented upon, but it sure doesn't go unnoticed. You tend to live a more upright life as a consequence. Or, at least I do.
Anyway, I suppose blogging could teach me, or help me to be more organized in my thinking. I have this personal style of barfing writing. It sounds terrible, but it's how I write. I just barf it out all over the page. And, right now, it doesn't seem too organized. Maybe that's first draft quality. One of the guides just said, "Your point?"
So, life is interesting right now with the blogging. Honestly though, nobody is reading it. With the exception of a guy from Morocco of all places who took the time the other day to go to Talking to Spirit and leave me a short message that he liked the site. That's encouraging. What can I say...I'm as human as anybody. But, it's new and as I explore other blogs I'll link to them and perhaps they will link to me. I wonder if I need to ask folks for reciprocal links like I do with Talking to Spirit? Probably. Sounds reasonable.
A lot of the work that I have facing me with Talking To Spirit is going to center upon technical issues. How to optimize the site for search engines. How to build up the resource and link pages. How to (Important) get more reciprocal links. And, finally, how to get more traffic in. Maybe I can do "Fun" stuff here. For awhile, anyway. Maybe I can get my engine reved up here and satisfy my obviously creative needs with the blog enough that I can also devote an hour a day to the technical aspects of Talking To Spirit.
How psychic is that? Well, it's not. But, it is. Because if you were interested in knowing what it's like to be psychic there it is. It's not all that interesting. It's normal. Well, at least I got used to it. Somebody just asked me if I wanted to talk to Captain Bligh. Ahhhh. No, actually. Thank you very much, but I get the point. It is interesting. LOL.
One thing that I've found very interesting is that I get an average of 100 hits a day at Talking To Spirit. And, not only is it an average, but it's pretty consistent. The same thing used to happen with Same number of folks a day ordering. How in the world can you be assured of the same number of folks a day come to your website? Not all of those people are the same people. Some are, but most are new. They've never been there before. Where are they coming from and what do they want? There's no way that anybody could sit there and read everything at Talking to Spirit in one 20 minute sitting. There's just too much. Even if you sat there for 3 hours you still wouldn't be able to read it all. It's a pretty huge site. Why am I not working on it more? Has it reached it's size limit?
So, those are the interesting things that have happened lately. The disturbing things is that I find myself with the old body breaking down. My back hurts like the dickens. I'm having high blood sugar evenings and my knee, lately, has consumed a great deal of my attention. It just feels like I'm going to hell in a handbasket as far as physical stuff is concerned. I'd begun a very, very slow recovery of doing one minute of walking in place every morning. I'd done it for 2 weeks when the knee gave out on me. I'll need to pick that up again when I'm healed up. But, it concerns me. I'm going to need a lot of physical strength for all this blogging and wesite tweaking and especially if I decide to make a book.
Oh, yikes. I think I'm afraid of the book. And, I'm sabotaging it. Oh, do you think? That's what journaling is good for. It's good for figuring things out. Yeah, that feels right. That's also what being psychic is about. Well, actually, that isn't necessarily psychic stuff. That's just good personal psychological work. When you hit that, "Ah Ha!" and realize without a shadow of a doubt what it is that's bothering you., I'm going to have to think about this. I'm afraid of writing a book. Why? The last book I wrote took a lot out of me. I tended to not do anything else for the 3 years it took to write it. It's exhausting both physically and mentally. And, I never did get it published. It's still under the bed; my swashbuckling, murder, mystery and mayhem, adventure, romance book. To be continued.....
And, the guides are laughing...
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