Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Short Version Please

Well, once again I awakened not being able to breathe out of one of my nostrils.  I don’t understand why this happens to me.  It’s been happening for years.  I think it might have something to do with the fact that the weather is changing.  We had fog yesterday morning.  Right now it doesn’t look to be foggy, though.  

However, I did manage within 15 steps of having left my bed to step in something.  I wasn’t sure what it was for certain, but I had a feeling it was cat poop.  Our oldest cat had a bath yesterday.  She didn’t like it, but she smells a lot better and I hope she feels a lot better.  But, I figured she’d had an accident.  No, it was only throwup.  I hobbled on the side of my foot into the kitchen to snag a Kleenex.  There were no paper towels on the roll as I hadn’t replaced them when I used the last one yesterday.

Then, I began stepping on all the cat chow that got scattered about on the kitchen floor during the course of the night.  I got the dustpan out to clean that up.  Seeing as how I’d already managed to step in cat throwup I didn’t want to also be rolling around on cat chow.  Fixed a plate of toast and hard boiled egg (a story in itself) and on exiting the kitchen managed to find the only two chunks of cat chow I’d missed and stepped on them while balancing my toast and milk.  Then, once I got back into the study I stubbed my toe on the chair.  Shit.  Now, this isn’t psychic.  It’s me complaining.  I’m like everybody else.  I have my days.

I got a boat load of things done yesterday.  I started a list and decided to alternate them doing a yucky thing and then a fun thing.  I can’t remember what I started with.  I started to say that I’d begun with reconciling the checkbook, but somebody in Spirit said, “No you didn’t.”  Well, whatever.  Anyway, I did get our account done and only (thank you, God) had to subtract $5.34.  Then, later in the day I did our neighbor, Phil’s checkbook.  His was easier and I only had to subtract 5¢.  I also did 4 loads of laundry.  Had only figured to do 3, but then Mitzie needed a bath and I used a lot of towels with her.

Oh, her bath.  I knew she wasn’t going to like it, so I started as gently as I could with just a sponge and a bowl of warm water and a bowl of soapy water out on the patio.  It wasn’t a very good job, but it mostly did the trick.  I left her sunning herself to dry off.  Not 10 minutes later I return to see that she’d gone to lay down in the litter box and had clay stuck all over her.  That’s when we moved operations into the kitchen and she got a real shower in the sink.  She didn’t seem to object too strenuously, for which I was really grateful.  I tried to be as quick as I could.  When we were done I wrapped her up in a towel and we went into the living room.  That’s the part she didn’t like.  Did not like being dried off.  I had to leave her for a minute to go get another towel because the first one was soaked and that’s when I figured I was going to have to use the hair dryer to dry her off.  I didn’t want her catching a chill and as long as she was wet I didn’t trust her to not go bread herself in the cat box again.  It took awhile to dry her.  I ran an extension cord in from the bathroom and combed her while I wiffled the heat of the dryer on her.  Thank goodness she has short fur.  As it was I had to cut away a particularly matted piece of fur on her flank, but otherwise she’s fluffy again.  She’s just too fat and too old to take care of herself much anymore.  

Now, does any of this sound psychic?  No, of course not.  But, every once in awhile somebody in spirit will say something.  And, I know they are always at my side even when they aren’t talking.  Oh.  Speaking of which.  This is something I’ve done since I began channeling back in 1993.  I’d be busy doing something and want to talk to Seth.  I’d say, “Seth?”  And he goes, “Hmmm?”  It’s hilarious.  But, it’s how we do things.  

I was reading yesterday about how our brains change as we get older and how there are those of us who have more of a gene that gets us out there and doing things as opposed to being stuck in ruts.  They were saying that just doing something small and out of the ordinary would sort of get you in the mood for trying out new things.  I am the most stay at home sort of person you would ever hope to meet.  Also, I believe I’ve got agoraphobia that flares up in varying degrees at times.  It hasn’t been as bad in recent times as it used to be, but it also prevents me from being in the public’s face as a channeler.  I connect via the internet.   But, I must have less of that sociability gene they were talking about.  What got me wondering, though, is if there is a gene to control psychicness?  I channel.  That’s weird.  That’s really weird.  But, I do it.  I’m not lying.  I’m not crazy.  I can talk to Elvis.  Or John Lennon or President Kennedy or Hitler.  I don’t usually go around saying that, but it’s a possibility.  Oh, Ha.  One of the Wright brothers just stopped by to talk.  It’s like mentioning the names is me putting up a sign saying, “Open for Business”.  Ha.  Anyway, I wondered if anybody will ever do a study to see if there is a psychic gene.  My husband would be in here saying, “Enough already!  The short version please.”

Enough.  I’m going back to bed.  I can breathe again.

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