Thursday, June 01, 2006

You Might Not Need a Psychic

One of the things that I do now is to have a newsletter each month. It’s been about a year that I’ve been doing it and as time has gone by it has begun to evolve. What has been going on is that some of the things I write about I have decided to try out as a regular column each newsletter. One of these is called, “You Might Not Need a Psychic” What this particular section of the newsletter concerns is about how a person can do the psychic thing for themselves.

Much of what I am about is to teach people to do psychic things themselves and having that become a permanent section of my newsletter appealed to me. Granted, there would be varying degrees of success with any of those activities, but I think taking them out of the realm of totally mysterious and plunking it all down into a normal part of life was the right thing to do.

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