Monday, October 22, 2007


This rebuilding of blog has hit another wrinkle. I tested it on two different computers at work today only to discover that although one computer was fine with it the other froze up horribly. What was it? Well, logically I should go back to the last newest thing I put on. It’s either going to be the technorati widget that says how much the blog is worth or the drop down for the archives. I vote for the technorati widget. So, I just took that off. Will test again tomorrow and see if it’s any better. Ding donged, but this is slow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Change is good. You welcome it and expect it and positive things just unfold. That much is more predictable perhaps than other events in a process of emerging. Its up to each of us to sense and trurt our inner vibes. Everything happens for the best, even techno glitches which enable us to see and appreciate life differently. We always have choices.