I have a deck of cards I use occasionally called The Power Deck by Lynn V. Andrews. You’re supposed to spread the cards out on your bed or table and pick the one that appeals to you at that moment in time. Each one has a beautiful picture on it, sort of metaphysical, new-age, sometimes odd, but very striking and always sort of interesting.
Today, sitting at my computer, finished writing one blog entry about trusting your higher self, I decided to put my money where my mouth was. I closed my eyes and centered a little bit and asked for guidance from higher self. Then, on a variation of spreading out the cards, I just started thumbing through them. I stopped at this one turned it over and read the message:
Individuality – When the shield carrier reaches the top of the mountain, she never seeks approval, because approval is based on doubt. Your strength and wisdom are celebrated in your unique ability to view the experience of life with new vision. Power lies in individuality and the ability to see yourself through your own eyes and not through the eyes of another. To be in power, you must take your power and exist within your own individuality.
oh i so resonate with this.
oh i so resonate with this.
I absolutely love the message on the card, and I would like to propose a change of the word "individuality" to "knowledge of self." After studying the major Teachings of the world for over 20 years, I think knowing oneself actually dissolves individuality/the ego as we realize we're one with everything.
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