Saturday, September 10, 2005

Before I Forget

Both totally unrelated, but both interesting tidbits of information. Well, one of information and the other a way cool website.

The first is my sister told me current thinking on sneezing is that you shouldn’t cover your mouth and nose with your hand anymore. I asked her if we were supposed to start sneezing down our shirts and she said, no. She told me that we are supposed to start sneezing into our elbows. I pondered that for a day or so and realized that when you sneeze and cover your mouth and nose with your hand you typically aren’t going to go rushing into a bathroom to wash said appendage with soap and water. No, you’re going to resume whatever it was that you were doing a moment before. Which, for a lot of us, is going to be at work or school. And, you’re going to go pick up that phone to telephone somebody or hand a report or a letter off to somebody else and your germs are now transferred from your hand to said article waiting to transfer to the next person who touches it. Or, if you’re at the store you’re shopping and you just transferred all those germs onto the handle of your shopping cart. If you sneeze into your elbow…germs stay put.

The other thing I wanted to share is a website to create certificates. They’ve got a whole bunch of fancy certificates with fine scroll work edges that you can put your own information on. Print them out on nice paper with your ink jet printer and you’ve got a nice little certificate to present to somebody. It’s called Dyetub Media and it’s really worth a visit.


Mike said...

If you were psychic you would know that I have left a comment here. You would also know that I'm from Australia... and you would know the numbers for the lottery

abbiapple said...

I totally can't touch my mouth with my elbow. I just tried. No luck. I'm screwed.

cube said...

The elbow it is. I'm very flexible.
I gave myself a certificate of recognition for it.

Kim said...

I told my 4 year old to sneeze into her elbow one day, and she thought I meant the outside bend of her elbow ... and she told me she couldn't reach it. But it sure was funny to see her try. :-)