Hey. It’s Friday. I always mentally line up the things I want to do on the weekend before it starts. That way I can actually tackle them. The things I most don’t want to do, but the things on my top ten list to do include about 3 week’s worth of ironing that will probably take me close to 2 hours to do and cleaning up my study which, if I got right down and did it would probably take me about 2 hours to do too. So, 4 hours out of my weekend to do “must do” things.
I’d like to talk about the study first. It’s my own room. Mine. Dennis keeps his clothes in the closet, but other than that and the fact that half of the books on the shelves are his, it’s my room. I come in her at 3:00 am on Saturday mornings to fiddle with Talking To Spirit when it’s quiet. I used to have the dining room, but Dennis has that now. It’s actually not that great a place because the television is generally on behind you in the living room and the birds talk a lot (parakeet talk). I can’t remember why we switched, but it was a good reason at the time. For the last 3 years it was especially necessary because I had the job of mailing out product for my friend’s business. But, that job is done now and the extra money I made from it is really missed.
So, now, my attention is turned toward making more money (because we really got used to having the extra) and developing Talking To Spirit. Technically, the main thrust of the website would be, because I am a psychic, selling psychic readings. Mostly, I just give them away. I’ve never really gotten past that “thing” of why should I charge for a gift? But, it is my time and I generally am generous with it. And, people would say isn’t your time worth something? So, the readings have fallen off of late (mostly because I’ve been taking down the buttons to purchase and have left only the one link in the menu) and I am beginning to think more in terms of building up my resource pages and hoping folks will click on the advertisements.
The next project is to double the number of pages. I want to add all sorts of new categories, and new ones are occurring all the time…so, the list grows. But, I wanted to get the ones I’ve got going all spiffed up and more or less okay. I ran across a way cool website this morning and thought it would be absolutely perfect for the real estate resource page I will eventually make. How to make sure the house you buy is not haunted. How perfect! Anyway, here’s the link. Actually, my husband just came into the study and told me, “Oh, yeah. You’re supposed to tell them if it’s haunted.” He’s the real estate editor at The Montclarion. Also, he used to be a real estate broker. So, he’d know.
Now, as far deep as I’ve gotten into this missive I still haven’t really talked about the study. That’s because cleaning this study up is not my number one most interesting thing to do. I’d really rather be doing other things. Somehow, though, I have to get this study cleared up because it’s ALWAYS at the top of my list of things to do and I’m getting really tired of it being there. Also, I feel so much better when it is straightened up. It’s like losing weight. I just can’t seem to do it.
So, here’s where being psychic will have an advantage. I can call upon Spirit to help me. Did you think that was not allowed? Hey, have I got news for you. Anyway, it won’t jinx any and all advice forthcoming to use Spirit’s help for this very mundane and supposedly frivolous need. I just don’t like to call upon Spirit to help, actually, in matters such as these because they tend to get a little bossy.
You should have heard Seth when I asked him for help that time I lost 50 pounds. Sheesh, it was like living with a drill sergeant. But, that was years ago, and maybe if I did it again it wouldn’t be so bad. Actually, they did help me night before last when I walked in the door after work absolutely ravenous. They told me to go have a glass of warm water. I couldn’t wait for the water running out of the tap to go warm and started drinking it cold, but it hit my stomach and started a cramp going, so I threw the rest of it out and waited for it to warm up. Sure enough, it dulled the immediate craving. Then, I went outside and washed the car. So, it delayed the onset of plowing through the kitchen by half an hour. Little things like that are good.
So, I should just do the little surrender and ask for some help tomorrow morning. No, now is not good. I’ve got 5 minutes to get out the door and go to work. But, I promise, maybe even tonight just to get a head start on it. Then, I won’t have to either think about it or talk about it and can go on to more interesting things to do.
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