Saturday, December 03, 2005


It’s cold this morning. Sensations in the body keep a person grounded. They remind me that I am human. When I meditate I itch. I twitch. I am reminded that I am human and it is difficult to ignore that fact. I have a body that will not allow me to soar even if I wanted to. Reality sets in. You are not a bird. But, I close my eyes and try to pretend, just for a moment I am light as spirit and can soar above the roof tops and the trees. Soar with a bird off in the distance looking curiously at me. Not alarmed, though having a human being, a middle-aged grumpy secretary flying on the current of air alongside is not your typical sight in the morning.

Over, drifting closer the bird winks once…twice…and decides to engage me in a game of chase. She veers off, wide. Over and under the drifting air currents catching one and going high, showing me how it is done. Learn from the bird. Copy what the bird is doing.

The bird lives for the moment. If it is cold she moves South. When it is warm she flies back again to the North. She doesn’t know why she does this. She just does it.

If I were to listen to my heart and do the things I need to do what would I do? Would I allow the yearning inside of me a voice? Would I shock someone? Would they think badly of me? Would I, more importantly, frighten them? Would they be concerned?

What if the answer to those questions were yes? Can I then say, “So what? This is something I need to do.” This is something that inside of me is an important thing to do. I don’t know if it is on my list of Top Ten Things to do in my Lifetime, but it’s something I was drawn to and something I cannot ignore or give lip service to anymore.


I don’t know who you are. I don’t know where you are. I don’t know your face, but there are a lot of people out there who believe in you. Whether you are man or woman or not. You might be the trees. You might be the bird I saw. You might be nothing but the air. I just don’t know. Every once in awhile I feel a peace come upon me that is sort of unexplainable. I’m a very tense person, normally. Sort of high strung, I suppose. Nervous certainly and I worry a lot.

But, for all of that, there’s a part of me that cries out to you whoever you are. However you are. Wherever you are. Peace. Please.

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