Saturday, March 22, 2008


I’ve noticed something this week about myself. The weather where we are in Northern California is absolutely gorgeous and the flowering trees are in bloom. As I drive to work each morning I pass through a corridor of trees covered in white blossoms and my inner spirit seems calmed. At work, as I gaze through the windows of our store I see another 4 trees similarly clad and in the midst of a busy and hurried day I take a deep breath and peace, just a few seconds of it, settles over me as I gaze at this beauty.

I could really use that feeling of peace more often and though this week that the trees are so gloriously in bloom and the feeling settles over me each day as I look at these trees I know it won’t continue just because the trees will lose their blossoms as they begin to leaf out. I want to be able to capture that feeling of peace again and again whenever I want.

So, this week, as these trees are in bloom every time I look at them I’m trying to memorize the feeling, memorize the sight of these trees, breathe the air, remember everything that I can so that 3 months from now on a day when I feel like tearing my hair out, on a day where I’ve answered the phone 52 times, when I’ve been sapped of any little bit of energy that I have I can remember these trees, breathe deeply and feel a quiet bit of peace wash over me.

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